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Law Offices of Robin Mashal in Los Angeles

Below are details for Law Offices of Robin Mashal, an attorney offering their services around Los Angeles

Name :

Law Offices of Robin Mashal

Address :

1875 Century Park East, Sixth Floor

Zip/Postcode :


Phone :

(310) 286-2000

Fax :

Email :

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Offering :

Arbitration & Mediation Services Attorneys, Attorneys, Business Lawyers & Partnership Law, Civil Law Attorneys, Employment & Labor Law Attorneys, Estate Planning & Administration Attorneys, Labor & Employment Attorneys, Lawyers - Environmental & Natural Resources Law, Real Estate Attorneys, Trial Attorneys, Wrongful Termination Attorneys

Description :

Our practice focuses on general civil litigation and transactional matters. As a boutique law firm, we offer our clients a unique combination of high-quality representation and personal attention, at a fraction of the "big" law firm costs.